Author Archives: MackAuthor

About MackAuthor

I was inspired to write Thoughts Become YOU from my experiences and ultimately turning my life around. I grew up in a crime and drug infested neighborhood. I come from a broken home and was raised primarily by my mother with my younger sister. At a young age, I witnessed many harsh realities that a child should have not had to. As I grew older, these experiences led me to partake in the "street life" which led me down many dark roads, and eventually in trouble with the law and to prison. These experiences led me to search for ways to change my life. So I began to read as many self help books that I could to begin changing my mindest in hopes of living a better life. In 2012, after putting the lessons I had read about into practice, I decided to share these lessons with the world. Thoughts Become YOU was born. I took all the experience and knowledge that I had used to change my life and combined it into a short read that anyone could follow and grasp. After reading books such as The Secret, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Thinking For A Change, and many others... I realized that a lot of the concepts in these books weren't easy to grasp by the average person. I also didn't want to write a book so long that no one could get through it. So I decided to simplify the lessons and make them so relatable that even a child could read Thoughts Become YOU and get something from it immediately.

CAN is a word of POWER!

Most people are defeated before they even get started because they don’t believe in themselves. They let the word “can’t” rule their lives. In my book Thoughts Become YOU, I stress the importance of having a positive mindset. The word … Continue reading

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